Facial Action Coding System Software


Orchestrate modules to enable OS and software independent interactive facial animation.

/free-download-microsoft-office-2007-mac-full-version.html. FACSvatar is a combination of the terms FACS and Avatar.FACS stands for Facial Action Coding System and is a way to describe a person’s facial expressionin terms of muscle contraction and relaxation.A single muscle group is called an Action Unit (AU) and either has a value between 0-5 or 0-1 (FACSvatar).It is a system found by Paul Ekman and is often used in affective research.Since FACS describes facial configurations, it is not only useful for affective analysis,but also for animation.More information about FACS can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_Action_Coding_System

FACSvatar is a modular framework that connects different software over ZeroMQ to enable boththe animation and analysis of AUs.At present, a standard workflow is to use a modified OpenFace.(FACS input) that is transported and manipulated (smoothed) through FACSvatar and then forwarded toeither Unity3D (real-time) or Blender (high-quality) animation.

  • To characterize human emotions, researchers have increasingly utilized Automatic Facial Expression Analysis (AFEA), which automates the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and translates the facial muscular positioning into the basic universal emotions. There is broad interest in the application of F.
  • Facial Action Coding System Our software capture expressions of any face. Face analysis algorithms transform the data into emotions.
  • . AUs (Action Units) underlined bold are currently recognizable by AFA System when occurring alone or cooccurring. The criteria has changed for this AU, that is, AU 25, 26 and 27 are now coded according to criteria of intensity (25A-E) and also AU 41, 42 and 43 are now coded according to criteria.
  • Facial Action Coding System Our software capture expressions of any face. Face analysis algorithms transform the data into emotions. Eye tracking Our platform determines where someone fixes the gaze. No intrusive additional gadgets are required. The only company that measure secondary emotions.

FACS Training Program v2.4. Face Action Coding System FACS utilizing Action Unit: AU1. FACS is a system to taxonomize human facial expressions 1. Also users' faces can be classified in accordance with their emotions2 based FACS AU 2, 3. The conventional face identification methods extract features of the face such as two ends of mouth, two ends of. FACS Coding The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is the premier scientific method for measuring the human face. Find out how you can benefit from FACS when conducting interviews and interrogations, business transactions, and assessing deception. Click here to learn more.


  • GitHub code and a longer explanation of FACSvatar’s usefulness can be found at:https://github.com/NumesSanguis/FACSvatar
  • Homepage: https://surafusoft.eu/facsvatar/
  • Discussion of FACSvatar on reddit (for code problems, use GitHub issue tracker):https://www.reddit.com/r/FACSvatar/

Facial Action Coding System Manual

Facial Action Coding System SoftwareFacial action coding system pdf


Facial Action Coding System Training

  • Quickstart
  • Default set-up
  • First run
  • Docker
  • Deep learning setup
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